Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
▲▲▲ Catacombs of San Sebastiano
A guide leads you underground through the tunnels where early Christians were buried.
You'll see faded frescoes and graffiti by early-Christian tag artists. Besides the catacombs
themselves, there's a historic fourth-century basilica with holy relics.
Cost and Hours: €8, includes 35-minute tour, 2/hour, Mon-Sat 10:00-17:00, closed Sun
and mid-Nov-mid-Dec, last entry 30 minutes before closing, Via Appia Antica 136, tel.
06-785-0350, .
▲▲▲ Catacombs of San Callisto
The larger of the two sets of catacombs, San Callisto also is the more prestigious, having
been the burial site for several early popes.
Cost and Hours: €8, includes 30-minute tour, at least 2/hour, Thu-Tue 9:00-12:00 &
14:00-17:00,closedWedandFeb,ViaAppiaAntica110,tel.06-5130-1580or06-513-0151, .
Near Rome
▲▲▲ Ostia Antica
For an exciting day trip, pop down to the Roman port of Ostia, which is similar to Pompeii
it shows a more complete and gritty look at Roman life than wealthier Pompeii. Wandering
aroundtoday,you'llseewarehouses,apartment flats,mansions,shoppingarcades,andbaths
that served a once-thriving port of 60,000 people. Later, Ostia became a ghost town, and it's
nowexcavated. Buyamap, then explore the town,including the 2,000-year-oldtheater.Fin-
ish with its fine little museum.
Cost and Hours: €8.50 for the site and museum, April-Oct Tue-Sun 8:30-19:00, Nov-
Feb Tue-Sun 8:30-17:00, March Tue-Sun 8:30-18:00, closed Mon year-round, last entry one
hour before closing. The museum closes from 13:30 to 14:30 for lunch. Tel. 06-5635-0215.
Helpful websites include and . A
map of the site with suggested itineraries is available for €2 from the ticket office.
Audioguides: Although you'll see little audioguide markers throughout the site, there
are no audioguides for rent. But you can download a free Rick Steves audio tour of Ostia
Antica; see here .
Getting There: Getting to Ostia Antica from downtown Rome is a snap—it's a
45-minute combination Metro/train ride. (Since the train is part of the Metro system, it only
costs one Metro ticket each way—€3 total round-trip.)
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