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See [ZarS60].
Definition. A field k is said to be algebraically closed if every nonconstant polyno-
mial f(X) in k[X] has a zero in k.
The complex numbers C are the standard example of an algebraically closed field.
See Corollary E.5.2 for a proof.
Let K be an extension of a field k. K is called an algebraic closure of k if
(1) K is algebraic over k and
(2) K is algebraically closed.
B.11.9. Theorem.
(1) Every field k has an algebraic closure.
(2) Any two algebraic closures of k are isomorphic over k.
See [Jaco64].
B.11.10. Theorem. If k is an algebraically closed field, then every polynomial in
k[X] factors into a product of linear factors.
See [Dean66].
B.11.11. Theorem.
Every algebraically closed field k is infinite.
Proof. We use Theorem B.8.2. If k has characteristic 0, then the prime subfield of k
is isomorphic to the reals. If k has characteristic p, p prime, then one needs to show
that the algebraic closure of Z p is infinite.
B.11.12. Theorem. If k is an algebraically closed field and f is a polynomial in
k[X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ] that vanishes on all but a finite subset of k n , then f is the zero
Proof. Because k is algebraically closed, it has an infinite number of elements by
Theorem B.11.11. If n = 1, then this follows from Theorem B.8.9 since f can only have
a finite number of zeros. The general case is proved by induction on n.
Definition. If k is a field, then k((X)) will denote the field of quotients of k[[X]]. More
generally, k((X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n )) will denote the field of quotients of k[[X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ]].
There are natural inclusions
) Ã
) à ◊◊◊Ã
X n
The multiplicative inverse of a formal power series f in k[[X]] is 1/f in k((X)). The
following fact about 1/f is often used and is therefore worth stating explicitly, namely,
1/f is itself a power series in k[[X]] if it has a nonzero constant term.
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