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Set Theoretic Basics
Definition. A (binary) relation between sets X and Y is a subset S of the Cartesian
product X ¥ Y . If X = Y , then we call S a relation on X . The notation x S y is often used
to denote the fact that (x,y) ΠS .
Definition. Let S be a relation between sets X and Y . Define subsets dom( S ) and
range( S ), called the domain and range of S , respectively, by
() = {
x y for some y in
() = {
} .
x y for some x in
The relation S is said to be one-to-one if x 1 S y and x 2 S y imply that x 1 = x 2 . The rela-
tion S is said to be onto Y if for all y in Y there is an x in X so that x S y. S is said to
be well defined if x S y 1 and x S y 2 imply that y 1 = y 2 .
Definition. Let S be a relation on a set X . Below are names and definitions of some
common properties such a relation may possess:
Reflexive :
For all x ΠX , x S x
Symmetric :
For all x, y ΠX , if x S y, then y S x
Antisymmetric :
For all x, y ΠX , if x S y and y S x, then x = y
Transitive :
For all x, y, z ΠX , if x S y and y S z, then x S z
Definition. An equivalence relation on a set X is a reflexive, symmetric, and transi-
tive relation on X .
B.2.1. Example. It is easy to show that the congruence relation ∫ on the set of inte-
gers is an equivalence relation.
The reason that equivalence relations play such an important role in mathemat-
ics is that they capture a fundamental concept.
B.2.2. Theorem.
Let X be a nonempty set.
(1) Given a relation S on X and x ΠX , define
} .
x y
If S is an equivalence relation, then each S x is nonempty and X is the disjoint
union of these sets.
(2) Conversely, assume that X is the disjoint union of nonempty sets A a . Define a
relation S on X by the condition that (x,y) ΠS if and only if both x and y
belong to A a for some a. Then S is an equivalence relation.
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