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set of
imal ideals in k X
Æ ()
is one-to-one and onto.
What Corollary 10.8.9 shows is that the ring k[X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ] completely deter-
mines k n when k is algebraically closed. Since one can define a topology on the set of
maximal ideals, k[X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ] also determines the topology of k n . These facts are
actually not that surprising because they reflect similar facts about general topologi-
cal spaces. For example, a theorem of I. Gelfand and A. Kolmogoroff asserts that the
ring of continuous functions C( X ) on a compact space X determines X . Specifically,
the map which sends a point p ΠX to the maximal ideal in C( X ) consisting of the
functions that vanish on p is a homeomorphism. This theorem is false if X is not
compact, but generalizations are known.
Next, we look at Questions 1 and 2 above with respect to general varieties and
ideals. As a warm up, we show how the result in Theorem 10.5.13(1) regarding hyper-
surfaces translates into the language of ideals. First, given a polynomial f in k[X],
write f in the form
n k
where the p i are irreducible polynomials and p i and p j are nonassociates for i π j. Let
g = p 1 p 2 ...p k be the minimal polynomial associated to V(f). Both f and g are poly-
nomials for the same hypersurface. What is the algebraic relation between f and g?
10.8.10. Lemma.
The ideal <g> is the radical of <f >.
10.8.11. Lemma. If f is an irreducible polynomial in k[X], then the (principal) ideal
generated by f, <f >, is a prime ideal.
Lemma 10.8.11 generalizes to a characterization of the irreducibility of an arbi-
trary variety in terms of its ideal.
An affine variety V in k n
10.8.12. Theorem.
is irreducible if and only if I( V ) is a
prime ideal.
Proof. First assume that V is irreducible and f 1 f 2 Œ I( V ). Let V i = V « V(f i ). The sets
V i are varieties. Let W = V 1 » V 2 . Clearly, W Ã V . Furthermore, if (f 1 f 2 )( p ) = 0, then
f 1 ( p ) = 0 or f 2 ( p ) = 0. This easily implies that V Ã W . Therefore, V = W . But V is irre-
ducible, so either V = V 1 or V = V 2 . In other words, either f 1 or f 2 vanishes on V , which
means that either f 1 or f 2 belongs to I( V ). This shows that I( V ) is prime.
Conversely, assume that I( V ) is prime and V = V 1 « V 2 . Assume that V π V 1 . We
shall show that V = V 2 , which would prove that V is irreducible.
I( V ) = I( V 2 ).
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