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of generality that f(X,Y) contains a positive power of X. Consider f to belong to
f is irreducible in k(Y)[X].
To prove the claim, suppose that f factors in k(Y)[X], that is, f = f 1 f 2 , where f i Œ
k(Y)[X]. The coefficients of the f i are rational functions in Y. That means that there is
some polynomial a(Y) (we could use the product of all the denominators) so that
af = h 1 h 2 , h i Πk[Y][X] = k[X,Y]. This easily contradicts the irreducibility of f, and so
the claim is proved.
Now, as polynomials in X over the field k(Y), f and g are relatively prime. It follows
that there are polynomials u 1 , u 2 Πk(Y)[X], so that u 1 f + u 2 g = 1. Again, multiplying
through by an appropriate polynomial in Y, this equation can be transformed into
an equation v 1 f + v 2 g = w, where v 1 , v 2 Πk[X,Y] and w(Y) Πk[Y]. If f(a,b) = g(a,b) =
0, then w(b) = 0. But w(Y) has only a finite number of roots. For each root b of
w, consider f(X,b) = 0. This is either identically equal to zero or has only a finite
number of roots. It cannot be identically equal to zero, because if it were, then Y - b
would divide f, which is impossible. This clearly proves that f and g have only a
finite number of roots in common and finishes the proof of Theorem 10.5.6 for the
case n = 2.
Theorem 10.5.6 implies a special case of the Hilbert Nullstellensatz, which is
proved in Section 10.8.
10.5.7. Corollary. Let k be an algebraically closed field, let f be an irreducible
polynomial in k[X 1 ,...,X n ], and let g be an arbitrary polynomial in k[X 1 ,...,X n ]. If
g vanishes wherever f does, then f divides g.
Proof. First, assume that f has degree 0, that is, f Œ k. If f π 0, then the result is
obvious since f is invertible. If f = 0, then g vanishes everywhere and by Theorem
B.11.12 must be 0.
Now assume that f has degree r, r > 0. Since k is algebraically closed, f and g have
an infinite number of common zeros by Theorem 10.5.5. If f did not divide g, then we
would have a contradiction to Theorem 10.5.6.
10.5.8. Theorem. Consider a hypersurface V(f) (either affine or projective) defined
by a polynomial f in C [X 1 ,...,X n ] of the form
n k
12 ...
where the f i are irreducible and nonassociates and n i > 0. If V(f) = V(g) for some poly-
nomial g in C [X 1 ,...,X n ], then g has the form
m k
12 ...
where m i > 0 and c is a constant.
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