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Figure 8.33.
Identifying the tangent bundle of M
with its normal bundle in M ¥ M .
p ¥ M
M ¥ M
(v p ,v p )
M ¥ p
(v p ,-v p )
closed collar
of ∂M
tubular neighborhood
of M
Figure 8.34.
Tubular neighborhoods and collars.
induces a canonical isomorphism from t M to n M .
Definition. Let M n be a submanifold of a manifold N k . Suppose that there is a vector
bundle x=( E ,p, M ) and an imbedding f : E Æ N so that f s : M Æ N is the identity map
on M , where s is the zero section of x. If f( E ) is an open neighborhood of M in N ,
then the pair (x,f) is called a tubular neighborhood of M in N . The associated disk
bundle for x and the restriction of f to that is called a closed tubular neighborhood of
M in N . Often one identifies the total spaces with their image in N , so that the sub-
spaces f( E ) and f( D (x)) are also called tubular neighborhoods of M , but the bundle
structure of the subspaces are assumed to be given in any case.
Figure 8.34(a) shows an example of a closed tubular neighborhood. The total
space of the closed tubular neighborhood D (x) of M n in N k is a k-dimensional differ-
entiable manifold with boundary the total space of the associated sphere bundle S (x)).
8.10.12. Theorem.
Every closed submanifold of a closed manifold has a tubular
See [Hirs76].
For more on tubular neighborhoods see [Hirs76]. A related notion is
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