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Definition. A (k-dimensional) coordinate neighborhood for a topological space M is
a pair ( U ,j), where U is an open subset of M and j : U Æ V is a homeomorphism onto
an open subset V of R + .
Note that the map j for a coordinate neighborhood goes in the opposite direction
from that of a local parameterization for a submanifold of R n
as defined in Section
8.3. Compare Figure 8.6 with Figure 8.26.
Definition. Let r ≥ 1. A C r differentiable structure or C r structure for a k-dimensional
topological manifold M is an indexed collection S = {( U i ,j i )} of k-dimensional coor-
dinate neighborhoods for M satisfying the following conditions:
(1) The sets U i cover M .
(2) If U ij = U i « U j π f, then the homeomorphism
1 :
( Æ
is a C r map.
(3) The collection S is maximal with respect to condition (2), that is, adding any
other coordinate neighborhood ( U ,j) to S would violate that condition.
A C r manifold is a topological manifold M together with a C r differentiable structure
for it. A C 0 manifold will simply mean a topological manifold. A C manifold is called
simply a differentiable or smooth manifold .
Let M k be an k-dimensional topological manifold.
8.8.1. Theorem.
(1) Any collection of coordinate neighborhoods for M satisfying (1) and (2) will
always extend to a unique collection satisfying (3).
(2) Any C r structure of M induces a well-defined (k - 1)-dimensional C r structure
on ∂ M making it into a C r manifold without boundary by using the restric-
tions of the relevant coordinate neighborhoods of M to the boundary.
This is an easy exercise.
Note. Condition (3) in the definition of a C r structure is a technical condition to give
us freedom in choosing coordinate neighborhoods. Because of Theorem 8.8.1(1), to
define a C r structure on a manifold, all that one ever bothers to do is define a collec-
tion of coordinate neighborhoods that satisfy conditions (1) and (2). Because of con-
dition (3), the indices i and j in the definition belong in general to some uncountable
set and are not intended to connote integers.
8.8.2. Example. The coordinate neighborhood ( R n , identity map) induces a C
structure on R n , called the standard C structure , making it into an n-dimensional C
8.8.3. Example.
The coordinate neighborhoods ( U i ,j i ), i = 1,2,3,4, where
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