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Figure 8.17.
Tangent and normal vector
fields on the circle.
T p
T q
M n-1
R n
Figure 8.18.
Normal vector fields and
With regard to the question of orientability, there is one case where normal vector
fields are especially interesting.
Let M n-1
be a submanifold of R n . Then M n-1
8.5.1. Theorem.
is orientable if and
only if M n-1 admits a nonzero normal vector field.
Proof. See Figure 8.18. Since the tangent space at every point of M n-1 is an (n - 1)-
dimensional vector subspace of R n , for each point p of M n-1 we can express R n
uniquely as an orthogonal direct sum of the tangent space T p = T p ( M n-1 ) and a one-
dimensional subspace N p , that is,
Suppose now that M n-1 is orientable. Then M n-1 admits a continuously varying
choice s of orientations for its tangent spaces. Assume that s( p ) = [ v 1 , v 2 ,..., v n-1 ] for
some ordered basis ( v 1 , v 2 ,..., v n-1 ) of T p . Choose that unique unit vector n p in N p
(there are two to choose from) so that the ordered basis ( v 1 , v 2 ,..., v n-1 , n p ) induces
the standard orientation of R n . It is not hard to show that the vector field
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