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doing so, the definitions really only involve concepts that should be familiar to the
reader, such as the differentiability of vector-valued functions. The price we pay,
however, is that they are not entirely satisfactory from a mathematical point of view.
For one thing, the reader will find that we never really define a differential structure
anywhere in this section. We shall only be defining whatever is needed for two ideas
to make sense, namely, that a manifold has tangent planes and that certain functions
are differentiable. The correct and intrinsic definitions are postponed to Section 8.8
at which point the reader has hopefully gotten a feeling for the geometric ideas, so
that the additional abstraction will not be a problem.
We again phrase our definitions in a way that includes manifolds with boundary
right at the start. The reader should compare the new definition with the one in
Section 5.3.
Definition. A subset M of R n is called a k-dimensional C r manifold , r ≥ 0, if, for every
point p in M , there is an open neighborhood V p of p in M , an open set U p in R + , and
a C r homeomorphism F p : U p Æ V p , which is assumed to be regular if r ≥ 1. The maps
F p are called local (C r ) parameterizations for M . A C manifold is called simply a dif-
ferentiable or smooth manifold . If V p = M , then F p is called a proper (C r ) parameteri-
zation for M . The boundary of the manifold M , ∂ M , is defined by
() Œ
∂= Œ
If ∂ M = F, then M is called a closed manifold.
See Figure 8.6. Clearly, every C r manifold is also a C s manifold for 0 £ s £ r. Since
a C 0 manifold is almost by definition a topological manifold, it follows that every C r
manifold is a topological manifold and so the terminology used with the latter applies.
Furthermore, from what we know about topological manifolds it follows that the
dimension and boundary of C r manifolds are well defined. It is also easy to show that
the boundary of a k-dimensional C r manifold is a (k - 1)-dimensional C r manifold
(without boundary). One slight difference between this definition and the earlier one
in Section 5.3 is that we have used an arbitrary open set U p in R + rather than just the
whole halfspace R + One does not gain any generality by doing so, but it will match
M k
V p
R k
F p
V q
F q
R k
U p
R k-1
U q
R n
Figure 8.6.
A k-dimensional
manifold M k .
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