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(2) If C is a CW complex, then its skeletons C n are subcomplexes.
(3) Arbitrary unions and intersections of subcomplexes are subcomplexes.
(4) Every compact subset of a CW complex lies in a finite subcomplex.
(5) A CW complex is compact if and only if it is finite.
(6) If X is a locally finite CW complex, then any union of closed cells is a closed
subset of X .
(7) If X is a CW complex and Y is an arbitrary topological space, then a map f :
X Æ Y is continuous if and only if fΩs is continuous for every closed cell s in X .
(8) Let X and Y be CW complexes and let A be a subcomplex of X . Any continu-
ous map f : X Æ Y that is cellular on A is homotopic to a cellular map g : X Æ Y rela-
tive to A , that is, there is a homotopy h : X ¥ I Æ Y so that h( x ,0) = f( x ), h( x ,1) = g( x ),
and h( a ,t) = f( a ), for all a ΠA and t ΠI .
(9) If the spaces X and Y are finite CW complexes, then so is X ¥ Y .
(10) If the subspace A is a subcomplex of a CW complex X , then the cells in X -
A and one 0-cell corresponding to A define a cell decomposition for X / A that make it
into a CW complex.
(11) Attaching cells to a CW complex produces a CW complex.
(12) Let X and Y be CW complexes and let A be a subcomplex of X . If f : A Æ Y
is a cellular map, then Y » f X is a CW complex.
(13) A CW complex is a paracompact space and hence also a normal space.
(14) A connected CW complex is metrizable if and only if it is locally finite.
The cell decompositions of CW complexes are usually more natural decomposi-
tions of a space than triangulations and there are typically substantially fewer cells in
a cell decomposition than simplices in a triangulation, but there are a number of other
advantages to using CW complexes, making them the spaces of choice for topologists.
For example, properties (9)-(11) are easy for CW complexes and would be more com-
plicated for simplicial complexes because it would involve subdivisions.
It is possible to define a homology theory for a finite regular normal CW complex
C (actually for any CW complex, but this gets more involved) merely by copying what
was done in the case of simplicial complexes. For details see [CooF67]. In other words,
one can define the notion of an oriented cell and then the group of q-chains, C q (C),
of C is obtained by taking formal linear combinations of oriented q-cells in C. There
is also a natural boundary map
() Æ
and well-defined group
ker ∂
() =
called the qth homology group of C.
Using the fact that any continuous map f : ΩCΩÆΩC¢Ω between the underlying
spaces of two CW complexes C and C¢ is homotopic to a cellular map, there is an
induced natural homomorphism
() Æ
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