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() =
In this case A is called a deformation retract of X .
The argument in Example 5.7.4 also shows that the map f : D n
Æ 0 defined by
f( p ) = 0 is a deformation retraction of D n onto 0 .
5.7.6. Example. The unit circle is a deformation retract of the cylinder X defined
by equation (5.10). To see this simply define h : X ¥ I Æ X by h((x,y,z),t) = (x,y,(1-t)z).
5.7.7. Theorem. Let A be a subspace of a space X . If A is a deformation retract of
X , then the inclusion map i : A Æ X is a homotopy equivalence. In particular, A and
X have the same homotopy type.
Proof. Let h : X ¥ I Æ X be a deformation retraction of X onto A . Define f : X Æ A by f( x )
= h( x ,1). Since f i=1 A and h is homotopy between i f and 1 X , we are done.
Intuitively speaking, a subset A is a deformation retract of a space X if we can
shrink X down to A without “cutting” anything. We shall see later (Corollary
and Theorem that a circle does not have the same homotopy type as a point.
Therefore, no point of the circle is a deformation retract of the circle. The only way
to “shrink” the circle to a point would be to cut it first.
Often it is convenient to talk about “pointed” homotopies, or more generally
“relative homotopies.”
The notation f : ( X , A ) Æ ( Y , B ) will mean that f is a map from X to Y and
f( A )
B .
Definition. Let f, g : ( X , A ) Æ ( Y , B ) be continuous maps. A homotopy between f and
g relative A is a continuous map
¥ [ Æ
h: X
0 ,
such that h( x ,0) = f( x ), h( x ,1) = g( x ), and h( a ,t)
B for all x
X , a
A , and
[0,1]. In that case, we shall also say that f is homotopic to g relative A and write
A g.
5.7.8. Theorem.
The homotopy relation
A is an equivalence relation on the set of
continuous maps f : ( X , A ) Æ ( Y , B ).
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 5.7.2. We just have to be careful
that the homotopies keep sending A to B .
Definition. The set of homotopy classes of maps f : ( X , A ) Æ ( Y , B ) with respect to
the equivalence relation
A will be denoted by [( X , A ),( Y , B )].
A natural question to ask at this point is how many homotopy classes of maps
there are between spaces in general and what this number measures. We are not ready
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