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Let X be a topological space and let ~ be an equivalence relation on X .
The map
p: XX~
Æ []
which sends an element p into its equivalence class [ p ] with respect to ~ is called the
quotient map .
5.4.1. Lemma. Let ~ be an equivalence relation on a topological space X and let
p: X Æ X /~ be the quotient map. Define a collection S of subsets of X /~ by
is open in
Then S is a topology on X /~.
The proof is straightforward. See [Eise74].
Definition. Let X be a topological space and let ~ be an equivalence relation on X .
The topology S on X /~ defined by equation (5.9), is called the quotient topology on X /~
and the topological space ( X /~,S) is called a quotient space of X .
5.4.2. Lemma. Let X be a topological space and let ~ be an equivalence relation on
X . The quotient map p : X Æ X /~ is a continuous map with respect to the quotient
topology on X /~.
This follows easily from the definition.
5.4.3. Example. The Moebius strip can be thought of as the quotient space [0,1] ¥
[0,1]/~, where we use the equivalence relation generated by the relation (0,t) ~ (1,1-t), t
[0,1], between the points of the left and right side of the rectangle. See Figure 5.7.
The next theorem lists some basic properties of quotient spaces.
5.4.4. Theorem. Let ~ be an equivalence relation on a topological space X and let
p: X Æ X /~ be the quotient map. Let Y be a topological space.
(1) A map g : X /~Æ Y is continuous if and only if the composite f = gp: X Æ Y
is continuous.
(2) If f : X Æ Y is a continuous map that is constant on the equivalence classes of
~, then there is a unique continuous map f* : X /~Æ Y so that f = f p. The map
f* is called the induced (by f ) map on the quotient space.
(1,1 - t)
[0,1] ¥ [0,1]
Figure 5.7.
The Moebius strip.
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