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In-Depth Information Corollary. Using the notation in Theorem, if we require the repre-
sentatives p 1 and p 2 to always add up to a representative of a fixed point, then the
parameterization described in part (2) of that theorem will depend only on the points
P 1 and P 2 but not on their representatives.
Consider the projective line P 1 and the three special points [1,0], [0,1], and [1,1]
that correspond to the points •, 0, and 1. Note how the coordinates of the standard
representatives of the first two points add up to the coordinates of the representative
of the third. We are ready to coordinatize points in projective space.
Definition. Let L be a line in P 2 and let I , O , and U be three distinct points on L .
Choose representations I = [ i ], O = [ o ], and U = [ u ] for the points so that i + o = u .
The map
1 Æ
j : PL
defined by
) =+
j XY
is called the standard parameterization of L with respect to the points I , O , and U . Using
the standard identification of P 1
and R * we shall also describe the map j with the
() =+
() =
, Theorem. The standard parameterization of a line L with respect to three
of its points is a one-to-one and onto map that depends only on the points and not
on their representatives.
The theorem follows from Corollary
Definition. Let j be the standard parameterization of a line L in P 2 with respect to
points I , O , and U . If P ΠL and if j -1 ( P ) = [X,Y], then (X,Y) will be called the homo-
geneous coordinates of P with respect to the coordinate system defined by I , O , and U .
Let x = X/Y or • depending on whether Y π 0 or Y = 0. The number x will be called
the ( extended real or affine ) coordinate of P with respect to the given coordinate system.
The points [1,0], [0,1], and [1,1] define the standard coordinate system for P 1 and the
coordinates with respect to it are called the standard coordinates .
1 Æ
j k : PL
be the standard parameterization of a line L with respect to the coordinate system
defined by points I k , O k , and U k on L , k = 1,2. Express I k , O k , and U k in the form
I k = [ i k ], O k = [ o k ], and U k = [ u k ] with i k + o k = u k . By Theorem there are con-
stants a, b, c, and d, so that
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