Database Reference
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Like the integer types, the floating point and decimal types are always signed. In CQL,
floating point and decimal literals are represented by an optional minus sign, followed by
a series of digits, followed by a period, followed by another series of digits, such as
7152.6846 . You can also write them using exponential notation, like 9.021e14 .
Dates and times
Dates and times can be stored using the timestamp type, which holds date/time data at
millisecond precision. Timestamp literals are enclosed in single quotation marks like
string literals, and take the format 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ssZ' , for example
'2014-05-18 15:49:31-0400' . There is no type that stores dates without times,
although the time portion of a timestamp literal can be omitted, which defaults the time to
midnight in the given time zone. To represent timestamps with millisecond precision, you
may also use a numeric literal with the number of milliseconds since midnight UTC on
January 1, 1970, for instance, 1400442761830 .
Cassandra has two types that store universally unique identifiers:
• The uuid type stores Version 1 and Version 4 UUIDs
• The timeuuid type stores Version 1 UUIDs, and has special functionality for
conversion between UUIDs and timestamps
A UUID , which is short for universally unique identifier , is essentially a very large
number generated in a specific way, designed to guarantee that the same UUID will never
be generated anywhere in the world at any time. Version 1 UUIDs are generated using a
high-precision timestamp and the generating computer's MAC address; the timestamp can
be extracted from the UUID. Version 4 UUIDs use random or pseudorandom numbers.
CQL uses the canonical representation of UUIDs, which is a sequence of hexadecimal di-
gits broken up in specific places by dashes, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 . A CQL UUID literal
is not surrounded by quotation marks or any other delimiter; for example,
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 is a valid UUID literal. Most lan-
guages have UUID libraries available that will generate UUIDs and output them in the ca-
nonical format.
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