Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix A. Peeking Under the Hood
Over the previous ten chapters, we've thoroughly explored Cassandra's capabilities from
the perspective of application developers. All of our interaction with Cassandra has been
through CQL, and we've explored a robust set of features available to us via the CQL inter-
face. We've found that one of the big appeals of Cassandra is the rich set of data structures
available to us for domain modeling; structures such as compound primary keys, collection
columns, and secondary indexes are part of what sets Cassandra apart from other distrib-
uted databases.
As it turns out, CQL is an abstraction on top of a much less sophisticated data structure that
underlies all the data stored in Cassandra. Commonly referred to as the Thrift interface ,
named after the protocol used to interact with Cassandra at this level, this layer represents
all data using an ad hoc key-value structure called a column family . As developers, we
will never need to interact with Cassandra at this level of abstraction, but it's illuminating
to explore how the familiar CQL data structures are represented at the column family level.
In some contexts, you might hear the terms table and column family used interchangeably.
In fact, CQL provides CREATE COLUMNFAMILY as an alias for the familiar CREATE
TABLE command. This is a legacy of the gradual divergence of the CQL table structure
from the underlying column family structure. In earlier versions of CQL, tables were
mapped more or less transparently onto the underlying column family structure.
We will use the terminology preferred by the Cassandra developers, using table to talk
about the CQL data structure and column family for the lower level structure available via
the Thrift interface.
When we have completed exploring the Thrift interface, you'll have discovered:
• How to directly access Cassandra's low-level column family structures
• Column family representation of simple and compound primary keys
• The structure of collection columns at the column family level
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