Database Reference
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Collections and secondary indexes
Let's say we'd like to get a list of all of the status updates that alice has starred; we can
display this as part of her user profile. In order to do this, we'd like to be able to look up all
the rows in the user_status_updates table where the starred_by_users
column contains the value alice . This is similar to the use case for a secondary index that
we explored in the Using secondary indexes to avoid denormalization section of Chapter 5 ,
Establishing Relationships , except that, in this case, we'd like to be able to perform a look-
up based on a single value within a collection column.
Happily, it is entirely valid to put a secondary index on a collection column. The syntax for
this is identical to putting an index on any other column:
CREATE INDEX ON "user_status_updates" ("starred_by_users");
So far, so familiar. Now, we'll introduce the CONTAINS operator, which can be used to
look up rows by a value in a collection column:
SELECT * FROM "user_status_updates"
WHERE "starred_by_users" CONTAINS 'alice';
The WHERE…CONTAINS clause will restrict results to those rows whose
starred_by_users set contains the exact value alice . In this case, we'll receive a
single result:
Creating secondary indexes on collections is a powerful tool for relating data—now we can
model many-to-many relationships using a single, normalized data structure. In this case,
the many-to-many relationship is between users and status updates: a user can star many
status updates, and a status update can be starred by many users.
It's worth re-emphasizing the warning in the section Limitations of secondary indexes of
Chapter 5 , Establishing Relationships . In particular, lookup by a secondary index on a col-
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