Database Reference
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Introducing concurrency
While this approach works fine in isolation, we'll run into a problem if more than one pro-
cess needs to concurrently update the starred_by_users column in the same row.
Concretely, if two users star a status update at roughly the same time, we'll run into a prob-
lem. Consider the following sequence of events:
1. Both carol and dave want to star alice 's status update.
2. Each of their requests is handled by a separate, concurrent process within the
MyStatus application.
3. The process of the character carol receives the request and begins by reading the
current value of the starred_by_users column, retrieving ["bob"] .
4. The process of the character dave receives its request, and also reads the current
value of starred_by_users , which is still ["bob"] .
5. The process of the character carol adds her name to the list and writes it back to
the row, setting it to ["bob", "carol"] .
6. The process of the character dave adds his name to the list that it read, oblivious
to the fact that it has now changed in the database, writing ["bob", "dave"]
to the row.
7. The character carol has now lost the star of the status update.
This is a similar scenario to the one we explored in Chapter 7 , Expanding Your Data Model
with concurrent updates to the users table and, indeed, optimistic locking would be a vi-
able solution. By introducing a version column to the user_status_updates table
and performing conditional updates, we could ensure that the above scenario did not result
in data loss. In particular, step 6 would result in a conditional update not applied. The pro-
cess of the character dave could then reread the updated value of the
starred_by_users list, append the username of dave to the list, and retry the up-
This solution works but it's not completely satisfying. In particular, it requires at least one
read operation from the database before the row can be updated; in the case of a version
conflict, additional reads are required. As we discussed in the previous chapter, conditional
writes do carry a performance cost. Finally, this approach adds additional complexity to our
application: we need to have code that handles the case of a stale version and retries the op-
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