Database Reference
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Looking at the current state of the users table, we can see that the email and en-
crypted_password columns from the original eve 's account have been overwritten
by the new eve . However, the location column is untouched—it still shows Wash-
ington, D.C. , the value from the first eve 's account.
This is because we did not specify a location column in the second INSERT state-
ment. The INSERT statements only touch columns that are listed in the parenthesized list
of columns that directly follows the table name. So, we can think of our most recent query
as saying, "set the email and encrypted_password columns in the row with key
eve to the specified values."
Clearly, we've got a problem. The row at key, eve , now contains a mishmash of informa-
tion from two different user profiles, and we've lost data from the first eve 's profile. How
can we prevent this from happening?
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