Database Reference
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Updating multiple rows
As it turns out, bob and carol both live in St. Louis, MO . We could update each of
their records individually, but the UPDATE statement also supports the same WHERE…IN
construct that we used previously in the SELECT statements. So, we can update both of
their records in a single query:
UPDATE "users"
SET "location" = 'St. Louis, MO'
WHERE "username" IN ('bob', 'carol');
Now, on checking the users table again, we'll see that the change was applied to both
While the preceding UPDATE statement allows us to update rows in a single statement,
these updates are not isolated: it is possible that, while the update is in progress, another
client may see a value in one of the rows but not the other. Writes to Cassandra are always
isolated within a single partition but there is no way to guarantee isolation across partitions.
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