Geography Reference
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The combined values of the integrat-
ed terrain units must be analyzed to be meaningful.
Source: Dangermond (1979). Adapted by permission.
ogy, raster cell neighborhoods, or TIN relationships to analyze geographic
relations. For geographic information analysis of transportation networks,
these geographic information analysis operations are critical to checking
and establishing different types of connectivity. In environmental applica-
tions, neighborhood geographic information analysis is used for a variety of
applications including modeling soil erosion, establishing water runoff pat-
terns, and determining viewsheds.
Often following or preceding other geographic information analysis opera-
tions, rating is used to ordinally rank features based on combinations of
attributes or combinations of attributes and locations. It is also often the
operation that is a key part of weighting various attributes for decision mak-
ing. This process is prone to distortions, requiring that great care be taken in
determining the weights.
Distances can be transformed
between raster and vector formats. These transforma-
tions can lead to distinct differences in the corre-
sponding areas.
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