Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Modern cadastre in Germany.
Courtesy of Dirk Linnemüller.
some other valid claim might be made related to an area of land. In this sys-
tem any maps or plans showing the boundaries to the title are incidental.
On the East Coast and in a few other areas of the United States (Texas,
Louisiana, and parts of California and New Mexico) the metes-and-bounds
system dominates. This system is more involved for surveyors and can be
very expensive if differences between neighboring property owners must be
resolved in court. The Torrens system, developed by Sir Robert Torrens in
Australia in 1857, provides for a clear registration of property and creation
of a title. The title does not transfer to later owners; it must be reregistered
with the court. In this system maps and plans are integral to the title.
Administration Impacts on Geographic Information
Government administrations have had and continue to have significant
impact on the development of geographic information and maps, particu-
larly through their role in developing new technologies. Obviously, the
complexity of cadastres means attempts should be made to improve adminis-
trative technology. Many of these efforts have focused on internal improve-
ments and are scarcely noticed by the general public, except when permits
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