Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2.2. Terms used for features in planetary nomenclature (US Geological Survey)
Feature a
Albedo feature
Geographic area distinguished by amount of re
ected light
Arcus, arc ¯ s
Arc-shaped feature
Astrum, astra
Radial-patterned features on Venus
Catena, catenae
Chain of craters
Cavus, cavi
Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions, usually in arrays or clusters
Chaos, chaoses
Distinctive area of broken terrain
Chasma, chasmata
A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression
Collis, colles
Small hills or knobs
Corona, coronae
Ovoid-shaped feature
Crater, craters
A circular depression
Dorsum, dorsa
Eruptive center
Active volcanic centers on Io
Facula, faculae
Bright spot
Farrum, farra
Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures
Flexus, ex ¯ s
A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern
Fluctus, uctu¯ s
Flow terrain
Flumen, flumina
Channel on Titan that might carry liquid
Fossa, fossae
Long, narrow depression
Insula, insulae
Island (islands), an isolated land area (or group of such areas) surrounded by, or nearly
surrounded by, a liquid area (sea or lake)
Labes, lab ¯ s
Complex of intersecting valleys or ridges
Lacus, lacu¯s
or small plain; on Titan, a
or small, dark plain with discrete, sharp
Landing site name
Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites
Large ringed feature
Cryptic ringed features
Lenticula, lenticulae
Small dark spots on Europa
Linea, lineae
A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight
Lingula, lingulae
Extension of plateau having rounded lobate or tongue-like boundaries
Macula, maculae
Dark spot, may be irregular
Mare, maria
large circular plain; on Titan, large expanses of dark materials thought to be liquid
Mensa, mensae
flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges
Mons, montes
Oceanus, oceani
A very large dark area on the Moon
Palus, paludes
“Swamp;” small plain
Patera, paterae
An irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges
Planitia, planitiae
Low plain
Planum, plana
Plateau or high plain
Plume, plumes
Cryo-volcanic features on Triton
headland promontoria
Regio, regiones
A large area marked by re
ectivity or color distinctions from adjacent areas, or a broad
geographic region
Reticulum, reticula
Reticular (netlike) pattern on Venus
Rima, rimae
Rupes, rup ¯ s
Satellite Feature
A feature that shares the name of an associated feature. For example, on the Moon the
craters referred to as
Lettered Craters
are classi
ed in the gazetteer as
Scopulus, scopuli
Lobate or irregular scarp
Sinus, sinu¯s
small plain
Sulcus, sulci
Subparallel furrows and ridges
Terra, terrae
Extensive land mass
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