Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Geophysical models of out-gassing by magma reach-
ing the surface of Venus suggest that the high atmo-
spheric surface pressures would retard explosive
eruptions. Yet, Magellan images show the presence
of cones and likely pyroclastic deposits. Suggest some
possible explanations for this apparent discrepancy.
4. Explain two methods used to determine the topogra-
phy of Venus.
5. Discuss at least three consequences of the high surface
temperatures and atmospheric pressures on Venus in
relation to the morphologic features seen.
2. Brie y discuss three ways in which Venus and Earth
are similar and three ways in which they are different.
6. Brie y explain the ideas as to why the venusian sur-
face is geologically young compared with those of the
Moon and Mercury.
3. Outline the primary data sources for deriving informa-
tion on the surface compositions for Venus.
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