HTML and CSS Reference
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The last child of a node.
The next sibling of the node (at the same level of the DOM tree).
The parent of the current node.
The node that precedes the current node at the same level of
the tree.
All the properties in the table are null if it's not possible to traverse the DOM in that
direction. For example, if a node has no child nodes, its lastChild property will be
null .
Here's what happens when a user clicks one of the questions. As mentioned, a while
loop will iterate over the siblings of the question. Inside the while loop, I check the
nodeType and tagName of the current node.
The nodeType property contains a number that identifies what type of node is being
processed. Element nodes have a node type of 1. Attributes are node type 2, and text
nodes are type 3. There are 12 total node types, but those three are the main ones you'll
use. In this function, I'm searching for the <dd> tag that follows the DT tag that contains
the question. I have to check the node type before checking the tagName property,
because only elements (which have node type 1) support the tagName property. If I didn't
check the node type first, other node types would cause errors.
Each sibling node that follows the original <dt> is tested, and as soon as a <dd> element
is found, the script toggles the visibility of that element. It then uses the break statement
to stop executing the loop. If the node is not a <dd> element, then the next sibling of
currentNode is assigned to the currentNode variable, and the loop is executed again. If
the <dd> element is never found, then when there are no more siblings, the currentNode
variable will be set to null , and execution of the loop will stop.
At the end, the function returns false :
questions = faqList.getElementsByTagName(“dt”);
for (i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
questions[i].onclick = function() {
// The actual event handling code goes here.
First, I use getElementsByTagName() to get a list of all the <dt> tags that are children of
faqList . Then I used a for loop to iterate over them and bind the function described
previously to their onclick event.
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