HTML and CSS Reference
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Specifying Backgrounds for Elements
The CSS background properties can be used to apply a background to any block-level
element—a <div> , a <form> , a <p> , a <table> , or a table cell. Specifying the back-
grounds for these elements is the same as setting the background for an entire page, and
is an easy way to add decorative elements to a page. For example, I want to add an arrow
to the left of all the major headings on my web page to really emphasize them. I could
stick an <img> tag inside each of the <h1> elements on my page, but that would be repet-
itive, and the images don't make sense as part of the contents of the page. So instead, I
can apply the images using CSS. The results are in Figure 9.20.
Here's the style sheet:
<style type=”text/css”>
h1 {
background: url(arrow_right.png) no-repeat center left;
line-height: 60px;
padding-left: 60px;
The heading tag is completely normal:
<h1>This Heading Has a Background</h1>
A heading with an
image background.
In the style sheet, I use the background property to specify the background image and its
position for the <h1> tag. One extra benefit is that this style will be applied to all the
<h1> tags on the page. I use the background property to specify the image and to posi-
tion it. I use no-repeat because I want only one copy of the image and center left to
position it at the left end of the header, in the middle. I use the line-height property to
make sure there's plenty of space for my background image, which is 50 pixels tall,
regardless of the font size of the heading. Then I add 60 pixels of padding to the left of
the heading so that the text will not appear over the background image.
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