HTML and CSS Reference
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The address tag <address> is used for signature-like entities on web pages. Address tags
usually go at the bottom of each web page and are used to indicate who wrote the web
page, whom to contact for more information, the date, any copyright notices or other
warnings, and anything else that seems appropriate. Addresses often are preceded with a
rule line ( <hr> ), and the <br> tag can be used to separate the lines.
Without an address or some other method of signing your web pages, it's close to impos-
sible to find out who wrote it or who to contact for more information. Signing each of
your web pages using the <address> tag is an excellent way to make sure that people
can get in touch with you. <address> is a block-level tag that italicizes the text inside it.
The following input shows an address:
<hr />
Laura Lemay <a href=””></a><br />
A service of Laura Lemay, Incorporated <br />
last revised January 10, 2010 <br />
Copyright Laura Lemay 2010 all rights reserved <br />
Void where prohibited. Keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.
Figure 7.11 shows it in a browser.
An address block.
The <blockquote> tag is used to create an indented block of text within a page. (Unlike
the <cite> tag, which highlights small quotes, <blockquote> is used for longer
quotations that shouldn't be nested inside other paragraphs.) For example, the Macbeth
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