HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Q Is the <p> tag the general-purpose tag for use when styling a page?
A No. The <div> tag is the general purpose tag for containing content on a page. The
<p> tag is intended specifically to hold paragraphs of text. There are many tags that
are not valid when placed within a <p> tag, including <div> . You learn more about
<div> in Lesson 7, “Formatting Text with HTML and CSS.”
Q Is it possible to put HTML tags inside comments?
A Yes, you can enclose HTML tags within comments, and the browser will not dis-
play them. It's common to use comments to temporarily hide sections of a page,
especially when testing things. Programmers (and web developers) generally refer
to this as “commenting it out.”
1. What three HTML tags describe the overall structure of a web page, and what do
each of them define?
2. Where does the <title> tag go, and what is it used for?
3. How many different levels of headings does HTML support? What are their tags?
4. Why is it a good idea to use two-sided paragraph tags, even though the closing tag
</p> is optional in HTML?
Quiz Answers
1. The <html> tag indicates that the file is in the HTML language. The <head> tag
specifies that the lines within the beginning and ending points of the tag are the
prologue to the rest of the file. The <body> tag encloses the remainder of your
HTML page (text, links, pictures, and so on).
2. The <title> tag indicates the title of a web page in a browser's bookmarks, hotlist
program, or other programs that catalog web pages. This tag always goes inside the
<head> tags.
3. HTML supports six levels of headings. Their tags are <h1 .. /h1> through
<h6 .. /h6> .
4. The closing </p> tag becomes important when aligning text to the left, right, or
center of a page. (Text alignment is discussed in Lesson 7.) Closing tags also are
required for XHTML 1.0.
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