Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.7
Renaming the
sphere in the
Channel Box
Always keep in mind that Maya is case sensitive. An object named “sun” is different from an
object named “Sun.”
Naming your objects right after creation is a good habit to develop. Doing so makes
for a cleaner scene file and a more organized workspace. This is particularly impor-
tant if anyone needs to alter your scene file; proper naming will keep them from get-
ting frustrated when they work on your scene.
Maya typically uses an object-naming structure called a humpback style, where words are
slung together without spaces. The first letter of a new word in the humpback name is capi-
talized. An example of humpback style is the name indoorPatioScene. Maya uses this struc-
ture when naming nodes, such as the node name nurbsSphere1.
6. Choose the Scale tool in the Tool Box to activate the Scale Manipulator, and uniformly
scale the Sun sphere up to about four times its creation scale of 1. (Make it a scale of
about 4 in all three axes.) For more precision, you can do one of two things: You can
select the sphere and enter a value of 4 in all three entry fields
(the white window next to the attribute) for the Scale X, Scale Y,
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