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automate the formation of abstraction spaces, but only partially automated the
process. Besides, ABSTRIPS produced only relaxed models [6], by abstracting
away literals in preconditions, thus the problem space was not abstracted at all.
However, the algorithm, we apply here, produces reduced models , where literals
are abstracted away at particular abstraction level from all formulae. Other
approaches to automatic construction of abstraction spaces include [1, 2, 12].
In this paper we presented a method to apply abstractions to PD problems
by using information about dependencies between literals. Then through hierar-
chical PD the complexity of overall theorem proving would be decreased.
If an abstract space is formed by dropping conditions from the original prob-
lem space as we did, information is lost and axioms in the abstract space can
be applied in situations in which they cannot be applied in the original space.
Thus, using an abstraction space formed by dropping information, it is dicult
to guarantee that if there exists an abstract solution, there exists also a solution
in the base space. This problem is called the false proof problem [14, 4].
This work is partially supported by the Norwegian Research Foundation in the
framework of Information and Communication Technology (IKT-2010) program
- the ADIS project. I would like to thank the anonymous referees for their
constructive comments and suggestions.
1. J. S. Anderson and A. M. Farley. Plan abstraction based on operator generalization.
In Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Saint
Paul, MN, 1988 , pages 100-104, 1988.
2. J. Christensen. Automatic Abstraction in Planning . PhD thesis, Department of
Computer Science, Stanford University, 1991.
3. J.-Y. Girard. Linear logic. Theoretical Computer Science , 50:1-102, 1987.
4. F. Giunchiglia and T. Walsh. A theory of abstraction. Artificial Intelligence ,
57:323-389, 1992.
5. M. I. Kanovich. Linear logic as a logic of computations. Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic , 67:183-212, 1994.
6. C. A. Knoblock. An analysis of ABSTRIPS. In J. Hendler, editor, Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems
(AIPS'92), College Park, Maryland, June 15-17, 1992 , pages 126-135, 1992.
7. C. A. Knoblock. Automatically generating abstractions for planning. Artificial In-
telligence , 68:243-302, 1994.
8. J. Komorowski. A Specification of An Abstract Prolog Machine and Its Applica-
tion to Partial Evaluation . PhD thesis, Department of Computer and Information
Science, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, 1981.
9. R. E. Korf. Planning as search: A quantitative approach. Artificial Intelligence ,
33:65-88, 1987.
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