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To explain the notion of level let us consider an abstraction hierarchy in
Table 1. There Level ( X )
2, meaning that literal X occurs in all abstracted
versions of a net starting from level 2. Similarly Level ( F )
1and Level ( M )
in the same table.
j =1 A i ( S )( l j ) ,
Definition 9. State S at abstraction level i is denoted with
A i ( S )
where l j
is the j -th literal in S , S has n literals, and
A i ( S )( l )= l ,if Level ( l )
≥ i
1 ,otherwise
In the preceding 1 is a constant of HLL. In the following we may omit some
instances of 1 in formulae to keep the representation simpler. Anyway, our for-
malism is still consistent since there are rules in HLL facilitating the removal of
1 from formulae and we assume that these rules are applied implicitly.
Definition 10. Abstracted CSC
O at abstraction level i is defined as
A i (
I O )
≡ A i ( I )
A i ( O ) .
Definition 11. Abstracted CSA A = Γ ; S G at abstraction level i is defined
A i ( A )= Γ ;
A i ( G ) ,where Γ =
A i ( S )
1 A i ( c ) .
∀c∈Γ∧A i ( c )
≡ A .Wewrite
Γ i and L i to denote respectively a set of CSCs and literals of a CSA
A 0 ( A )
At abstraction level 0 an original CSA is presented -
A i ( A ).
Definition 12. Serialised proof fragment (SPF) is a sequence
S 0 ,C 1 ,S 1 ,...,
C n ,S n
starting with a state S 0 and ending with a state S n . Between every
two states there is a CSC C i ,i =1 ...n such that S i− 1 is the state where C i
was applied with a PD rule and the state S i is the result achieved by applying
C i . Whenever a compact representation of a SPF is required, we shall write
C 1 ,...,C n
Definition 13. Partial proof is a pair ( H, T ) ,whereboth H and T are SPFs
with the first element of H being the initial state and the last element of T
respectively the goal state. Initially the partial proof has only one element in both
H and T - the initial state in H and the goal state in T .
The proof is extended in the following way. PD forward step can be applied
only to the last element of H . Symmetrically, PD backward step can be applied
only to the first element of T . In the former case the applied CSC and a new
state are inserted to the end of H . In the latter case the new state and the
applied CSC are inserted to the beginning of T .
Definition 14. Complete proof is a partial proof with the last element of H and
the first element of T being equal.
If there is no need to distinguish partial and complete proofs, we write just
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