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Let Σ R be the usual real-based structure where the set of real numbers
associated with arithmetic operations, elementary functions and equality and
inequality relations. Formulas are written using a first-order language L defined
by an infinite countable set of variables
and a set of symbols with
arities, namely constants, functions and relations. In the following, we will use
the same symbols to denote the elements of Σ R and the symbols of L .
A term is a syntactic expression built by induction from variables, constants
and function symbols of L .A constraint is an atomic formula of the form fg
where f and g are terms and is a relation symbol. A formula is defined by
induction from constraints, connectives and quantifiers. In the following, formu-
las will be written with the variables x 1 ,...,x n , the natural n being arbitrarily
large. Given a syntactic element S , the set of variables occurring in S is denoted
by Var( S ), and the notation S ( x 1 ,...,x n ) will mean that the sets Var( S )and
x 1 ,x 2 ,...
are identical. The number of occurrences of any variable x i in S will
be denoted by mult( S, x i ). Given two terms f and g and a term h occurring in
f ,let f [ h
x 1 ,...,x n }
g ] denote the term obtained from f by replacing all the occurrences
of h with g .Let
be the set of terms.
Evaluating a term f ( x 1 ,...,x n ) in the domain
consists in assigning a
value a i R
to each variable x i and applying the functions of Σ R that corre-
spond to the symbols. The satisfaction of a constraint C ( x 1 ,...,x n )requires
evaluating terms and verifying the relation. If the relation is verified then the
tuple ( a 1 ,...,a n )isa solution of C in the domain
.Let f R and C R respectively
n to
denote the mapping from
corresponding to the evaluation of f and the
n defined by the set of solutions of C in
relation of
A conjunction of constraints is a formula F ( x 1 ,...,x n )oftheform C 1 ∧···∧
C m . The satisfaction of F consists in assigning a value a i R
to each variable
x i and verifying that all constraints C j are satisfied. If the formula is satisfied
then the tuple ( a 1 ,...,a n )isa solution of F in the domain
.Let F R denote the
relation of
. In the following, only
conjunctions of constraints will be considered, and a solution in
defined by the set of solutions of F in
will simply
be called solution .
Interval Arithmetic
Interval arithmetic [14,9] can be used to conservatively enclose the solutions of
formulas by Cartesian products of intervals. Interval computations are done in an
interval-based structure Σ I . This structure can be defined by an homomorphism
µ from Σ R to Σ I , as follows. The notations f R , C R and F R used with the domain
will simply be changed into f I , C I and F I .
Constants. Consider the set of floating-point numbers
defined by the IEEE
standard [10] and the set of intervals
whose bounds are in
.Let[ I, I ]denote
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