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4. Weispfenning, V.: The complexity of linear problems in fields. Journal of Symbolic
Computation 5 (1988) 3-27
5. Loos, R., Weispfenning, V.: Applying linear quantifier elimination. THE Computer
Journal 36 (1993) 450-462 Special issue on computational quantifier elimination.
6. Dolzmann, A., Sturm, T.: Redlog: Computer algebra meets computer logic. ACM
SIGSAM Bulletin 31 (1997) 2-9
7. Weispfenning, V.: A new approach to quantifier elimination for real algebra. In
Caviness, B., Johnson, J., eds.: Quantifier Elimination and Cylindrical Algebraic
Decomposition. Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation. Springer, Wien,
New York (1998) 376-392
8. Dolzmann, A.: Reelle Quantorenelimination durch parametrisches Zahlen von Null-
stellen. Diploma thesis, Universitat Passau, D-94030 Passau, Germany (1994)
9. Gilch, L.A.: Eziente Hermitesche Quantorenelimination. Diploma thesis, Univer-
sitat Passau, D-94030 Passau, Germany (2003)
10. Dolzmann, A.: Solving geometric problems with real quantifier elimination. In Gao,
X.S., Wang, D., Yang, L., eds.: Automated Deduction in Geometry. Volume 1669
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of LNCS). Springer-Verlag,
Berlin Heidelberg (1999) 14-29
11. Dolzmann, A., Sturm, T.: Simplification of quantifier-free formulae over ordered
fields. Journal of Symbolic Computation 24 (1997) 209-231
12. Weispfenning, V.: Applying quantifier elimination to problems in simulation and
optimization. Technical Report MIP-9607, FMI, Universitat Passau, D-94030 Pas-
sau, Germany (1996) To appear in the Journal of Symbolic Computation.
13. Dolzmann, A., Sturm, T., Weispfenning, V.: A new approach for automatic theo-
rem proving in real geometry. Journal of Automated Reasoning 21 (1998) 357-380
14. Seidl, A., Sturm, T.: A generic projection operator for partial cylindrical alge-
braic decomposition. In Sendra, R., ed.: Proceedings of the 2003 International
Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 03), Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. ACM Press, New York, NY (2003) 240-247
15. Weispfenning, V.: Comprehensive Grobner bases. Journal of Symbolic Computa-
tion 14 (1992) 1-29
16. Pedersen, P., Roy, M.F., Szpirglas, A.: Counting real zeroes in the multivariate
case. In Eysette, F., Galigo, A., eds.: Computational Algebraic Geometry. Volume
109 of Progress in Mathematics. Birkhauser, Boston, Basel; Berlin (1993) 203-224
Proceedings of the MEGA 92.
17. Becker, E., Wormann, T.: On the trace formula for quadratic forms. In Jacob,
W.B., Lam, T.Y., Robson, R.O., eds.: Recent Advances in Real Algebraic Geome-
try and Quadratic Forms. Volume 155 of Contemporary Mathematics., American
Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island
(1994) 271-291 Proceedings of the RAGSQUAD Year, Berkeley, 1990-1991.
18. Kredel, H., Weispfenning, V.: Computing dimension and independent sets for poly-
nomial ideals. Journal of Symbolic Computation 6 (1988) 231-247 Computational
aspects of commutative algebra.
19. Chou, S.C.: Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving. Mathematics and its applica-
tions. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, Tokyo (1988)
20. Sturm, T.: Real Quantifier Elimination in Geometry. Doctoral dissertation, De-
partment of Mathematics and Computer Science. University of Passau, Germany,
D-94030 Passau, Germany (1999)
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