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Dialogue: 8.1 items (111)
Monologue: 7.3 items (100)
Number of words for cooking procedure
Dialogue: 99 words (96)
Monologue: 103 words (100)
Number of word for the important points for the procedure
Dialogue: 61 words (124)
Monologue: 49 words (100)
It seems that dialogue is slightly better than monologue. However, the experiment about
gratin recipe shows different result, i.e., monologue is better than dialogue. We checked the
result carefully and found the followings;
A group which listened to Gratin dialogue listened to it at the beginning of the experiment.
But another group which listened to Gratin monologue listened to Riceball speech before
they listen to Gratin monologue. Therefore each participant who listened to Gratin
monologue already knows what kind of inquiries they will be asked. They can concentrate
to grasp such points. We did additional experiments with smaller participant where each
participant listened to the Gratin dialogue after listening to the Riceball speech. Then, the
results became closer to the Riceball case. Actually, Gratin dialogue can not be such worse
than its monologue. In the free answer opinion in the questionnaire, more participants wrote
that they prefer dialogue to monologue than the reverse.
This situation also occurred for Riceball case, i.e., Riceball monogolue was heard after Gratin
speech. The difference between Dialogue and Monologue for riceball recipe can be bigger
than the figures above.
3.2.2 News
We asked participant which you prefer between monologue and dialogue. Then more than
two third of participants explicitly wrote that they prefer dialogue to monologue.
3.2.3 Discussion
As for recipe listening, dialogue seems slightly better than monologue. However, there are
several factors in our experiment which affect the result in favor of monologue. We utilized
written text on the web as a text for monologue. The important points of the recipe are listed
at the end of the texts, therefore it will be memorable to listeners. If we make text for
dialogue from written text, the result will be better than the one in our current settings.
As for news listening, the second speaker inserted only several inquiries about topics talked
next. This is not a conversation but something like an interview. Some participants strongly
prefer this situation. We should establish the way to generate dialogues properly from texts.
Our hypothesis is that dialogue is more useful to get information while doing something.
However, in this experiment, participants were asked to listen to monologue and dialogue
and answer questionnaire. This situation is different from our original settings. We should
make more suitable way to verify our hypothesis.
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