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Fig. 28. Noncontact LED e-eye for measuring information patterns of foods
Up-to-date techniques for the recognition of information sensory patterns of foods are rather
labour-intensive, costly, extremely time-consuming and require highly skilled specialists.
The intelligent microsensory system “ISLB” represents an unique microlaboratory on a chip
of the type e-eye and is intended for solving important practical problems in intelligent
precision agriculture, e.g., for the control of raised farming cultures (maize) and with the
generation of sensory information patterns (Fig. 29).
Fig. 29. Information patterns of maize using “ISLB”
Distinctive features of “ISLB” consist in the capability to function with the navigation
satellite monitoring technology; therefore, “ISLB” can be presented as a mobile retransmitter
and applied local with the use of pilotless vehicles or satellite mobile devices (Fig. 30) [8].
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