Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The table above gives an overview of the ISISEMD services. In the following sections we
focus on the intelligent features of the service platform.
3. Intelligence in the service platform
One of the advantages of the ISISEMD system is the hidden intelligence in the provided
services. The basic idea is to abstract the services and make them transparent so the end
users cannot actually realise the system complexity as they may not have much knowledge
on ICT and this is not expected either. Drawing on this, the services act and pro-act in such a
way that they are to define any critical circumstances that might occur before these actually
happen and thus, they try to anticipate any consequences (e.g. the relatives of a person will
receive a notification if the person is cooking for longer time than expected, anticipating
thus a possible danger of having a fire in the home). This intelligence is possible to
implement through a high-end home automation system identified as the Ecosystem.
3.1 Home safety services
Home safety services consist of sensors for monitoring the safety in the home environment.
They function through sending email/sms to care-givers, posting alarms or notification
messages on the web portal in cases of alarm events from the intelligent front door sensor,
cooking monitor, fridge door sensor, fire/smoke sensor, flood detection sensor, bed sensors
and/or motion detectors.
The Ecosystem part of the Carebox technically consists of a virtual machine that runs a local
instance of an Ecosystem Domotics server, which is a reduced set of services and processes
tailored for the specific requirements. This server is responsible for monitoring and
responding to events from the various input sensors in the patient's home. A special
ISISEMD-specific service installed on each Domotics module is responsible for relaying
those events up to the central X-Server hub process on the portal-side of the server to be
evaluated and acted upon if required. Through this fact, a delegation of intelligence is
possible to the first level of reaction so as to increase the efficiency of the whole system.
An example of domotic service operation is explained by the control of the home cooker -
the event is triggered by the fact that the person turns on the cooker. This activates an event
of setting the appropriate timers that will monitor the duration of the cooker being on. Alert
messages will be issued accordingly and the measures will be taken in such a way that will
prohibit an accident and preventing fires, etc. Respective workflows are triggered by events
captured by other sensors.
Elderly person is staying at home alone and the home is equipped with the aforementioned
home automation services for preventing the events that have been mentioned. The services
are pre-configured and running in the background without disturbing his daily life.
Whenever the events that trigger the services are activated, the workflows will start-up to
deliver the services.
3.1.1 Cooking monitor service
The purpose of having installed a cooking monitor in the elderly peoples' homes is
significant for the safety of receiving an alarm in case of having forgotten to turn off the
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