Information Technology Reference
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2. ISISEMD service platform - a short overview
The overall architecture of ISISEMD is composed in such a way that on one hand it fulfils
the service requirements, and on the other hand it addresses the reality to make the different
systems (also identified as x-Servers) to be integrated into a whole with a web-portal
functioning as a common entry point for the ISISEMD system. The portal is the actual single
point of entrance into the ISISEMD system and is the component responsible for the
management of the users as well as the association of users with services and other users. It
contains various functional sub-components such as a User Management module, an
Authentication and Authorisation module, a Logging module, and a Reporting module. At
the user side, the central unit is a computer with a touch screen, which is called Carebox.
High level architecture of ISISEMD platform is presented on the figure below.
Fig. 1. High level architecture of the ISISEMD service platform
ISISEMD services for cognitively impaired adults include (Table 1): home and personal
safety observations; reminders and prompts for basic daily activities - pre-defined
reminders exist but there is also the possibility to set up and show personalised “free text
reminders”; services for cognitive stimulation (Memory Lane shows a picture slide show on
the Carebox and Brain Games that can be played on the Carebox); video communication
service with care-givers; location service when the person is out of the home with the help of
a simple GPS device called Lommy; emergency contact button in the home (Help button on
the Carebox touch screen) and outside the home (panic button on the GPS device).
ISISEMD services for the formal (FCG) and informal care-givers (ICG) include: alerts,
notifications, and alarm services which are distributed by mobile phone or email; an overview
of daily activities shown on the portal; video-call service for communication with the elderly;
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