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Similarly, it is not necessary that the joint synthesis is the only way to create full-scale
artificial intelligence.
Though the joint synthesis seems appropriate to construct local projects like the models
above, I will concentrate on the construction of general artificial intelligence. In my position,
the construction of general AI should be a consequence of gradual changes within a system
associated with its temporal functioning and complication, i.e. a result of a shift from short -
term processes with simple goals and means to long-term processes with multilevel goals
and complex methods. It is suggested that, although such a system may have complex
innate architecture, the main source of its development is interactions with the system's
environment via feedback loops.
The mechanism of joint synthesis is suggested to be a basis for such development. Indeed,
because no innate criterion for the construction of goals is used, there are no constraints for
the complication of goals. An appropriate means can be constructed for any goal because
goals and means are constructed together,. As a result, the system is, in principle, able to
adapt to any condition of training. It is suggested that the system can use blackboard
architecture with flexible elements, then the formation and/or changes in elements can be
considered as learning. The key component of the models above is the functional proximity
that determines the possibility of the interaction between modules. It can be supposed that,
in the hypothetical system, functional proximity can be dynamically changed in regard with
the complexity and diversity of the system's components. The increase in the duration of
goal-directed process may result from alterations in something similar to AL in the models
It can be suggested that the system should be able to create and use something similar to
symbols. The generation of symbols may be performed as follows: because means in the
system are constructed along with goals the system should be able to describe input and/or
output information caused by these means in the terms consistent with goals and to
prescribe a label associated with a goal to a sequence of such descriptions, thus creating
symbols. The advantage of this method is that such symbols are grounded in the ongoing
activity and therefore they can be used to construct novel goals and means through the
involvement of symbols in the system's blackboard. Of course, this mechanism of
symbolization can be gradual like changes in the duration of goal-directed processes. That
is, at the beginning, the system will prescribe labels for the short sequences of ongoing states
and gradually to for the longer and more complex ones.
It seems that the gradual increase in complexity and duration of goal-directed activities is a
mechanism underlying human maturation. Indeed, in babyhood, the goal-directed activities
of infants can be described as very short-term with primitive means but the activities of
adults are long-lasting often life-ranging processes with very complex, hierarchical means
and developed language. Therefore, the imitation of gradual human growth may be an
effective way to achieve the human complexity of goal-directed activity and intelligence.
Of course, emphasis on the joint synthesis does not imply that other methods cannot be
used within the given approach. For example, the criterion of minimal construction costs
permits the system to synthesize a goal and means in any situation but if the minimum of
costs found by the system is too local then the goal and means synthesized may be
inappropriate to the situation. This mechanism seems to be an explanation for the fact that
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