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Intelligent Expert System for Protection
Optimization Purposes in Electric
Power Distribution Systems
Ivan N. da Silva et al. *
University of São Paulo (USP), São Carlos, SP
1. Introduction
The objective of this chapter consists of presenting an expert system that assists the
procedures involved with the protection specification of transformers and equipments
against atmospheric discharges, allowing also to analyze in a detailed and systematic way
the behavior of the respective voltage transients that are generated at the supplying area.
For such purpose, the expert system developed makes efficient integration of approaches
and techniques that take into account the characteristic aspects of the atmospheric
discharges, the experimental analyses that represent the phenomenon and the mathematical
models that allow to map the process involved with the formation of the lightning.
The results obtained from the experimental application of the expert system have
contributed in a substantial way to optimize the processes involved with the efficient
specification of protection devices associated with the transformers and equipments of the
distribution system.
The decision process taken into account by the expert system is based on information
provided by the software “SimSurto”, which was especially developed to simulate the
voltage transients caused by atmospheric discharges in distribution lines, and its objective is
the computation of several parameters related to the respective transients, considering the
equipments already installed, the geographical location of the distribution line and the
respective incidence of atmospheric discharges in the distribution system.
The use of the developed tool has allowed the optimized specification for protection devices
of equipments and transformers belonging to distribution system, enabling that
differentiated protection strategies can be applied according to the particularities of each
* Nerivaldo R. Santos 2 , Lucca Zamboni 2 , Leandro N. Soares 3 , José A. C. Ulson 4 , Rogério A. Flauzino 1 ,
Danilo H. Spatti 1 , Ricardo A. S. Fernandes 1 , Marcos M. Otsuji 2 and Edison A. Goes
1 University of São Paulo (USP), São Carlos, SP, Brazil
2 EDP Bandeirante, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
3 EDP ESCELSA, Vitória, ES, Brazil
4 São Paulo State University, Bauru, SP , Brazil
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