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The base for the cartographical ontology was thesaurus - lexicon of cartographical terms.
The lexicon also contained a list of synonyms. In the dictionary pruning stage, a pair wise
comparison between the cartographic terms and their descriptions result to lexicon set.
Synonyms of terms were grouped together. As a result, one description was chosen to
represent all the synonym terms. The differences between the Central Europe and the
English cartographic school were solved by the decision to design two ontologies - the
Czech ontology and the English ontology. This chapter and figures describes only the
English ontology for the better readability. The main classes are Data, MapColor,
MapComposition, MapDescription, MapSymbol, Method, Phenomenon, Projection,
SymbolVariables and Scale. These cartographic terms are expressed by classes in ontology
in OWL language.
Fig. 9. List of object properties in Protégé (properties “hasVariable”)
Very carefully was designed the hierarchy of classes. The relation of two classes is expressed
by subsumption , equivalence or disjunction . The example of subsumption is upper class
AttributeData and two sub class QualitativeData and QuantitativeData . The disjunction is also
defined for these two classes. When data have qualitative value they can not have
quantitative value. The terms isoline, isopleth and isochor are the example of equivalence
(synonyms) (Penaz, 2010).
The important part of ontology is also the definition of properties . The property
constructs relation between classes or individuals. The name of the property contains verb
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