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Building of holistic logic and fuzzy logic models of knowledge on the basis of these two
On the basis of these two theories, holistic logic and fuzzy logic models of knowledge are
built F.Bunyatova (2009). This model can be a psychopedagogical and technologically
constructed model for subject knowledge of not only machine learning in all its directions,
but for learning in a whole. This model is constructed from the perspective of pedagogy,
psychology, and high technology.
These three principles as a result, change not only the form and method of learning, but also
the structure of contents of learning. Students here do not gain knowledge. They, relying on
their experience construct them by means of logically constructed structures of knowledge.
These structures of knowledge are built by isomorphic structures of intelligence.
Creative learning technology by Bunyatova - CT by Bunyatova
Change of the way of training means shift from private practices to the technology of
training. In this case, technology of constructive teaching by Bunyatova is proposed. This
technology is based on the cognitive theory by Piaget. Constructive teaching technology
aims to develop structures of intelligence of students and organize their reasoning activities
over knowledge.
Constructive teaching is a creative, activity-and operational learning, which provides an
opportunity for each student to build new knowledge, based on his/her experience and
available knowledge. The philosophy of constructive teaching is a synthesis of Eastern and
Western philosophy of learning; this is a shift from private knowledge to the integrity of
knowledge or the vice versa from the integrity of knowledge to the private. The constructive
teaching is aimed to change the form of activities of learning and a student in the learning
process, which in the end leads not only to the change of learning process, but all its
relevant components.
CT by Bunyatova takes its origins from the psychology schools of Piaget and Vigotsky; it
contains the co-operative structure of the educational activities of the American psychologist
Spencer Kagan. While establishment of machine learning classes, the CT principles do not
change principally, they just bear an individual character of learning, enriching the methods
of individual learning.
Principles of constructive teaching by Bunyatova
Principle 1. Searching meaning of the topic
The lesson in a constructive teaching starts with searching the theme of the lesson , that is
determines the real understanding of entity of the study. The teacher poses questions for
discussion. Answers of students generate new questions and new discussions. Students, by
discussing, actively adapt their knowledge and attitudes to these logically designed
questions. In this process, they may make mistakes, go the wrong way, go back and start
again. By scientific definition of meaning, they come from the definition of that meaning
with their personal terms. In the interaction of ideas, in online education, these personal
definitions, by self-correcting, self-regulating and self-enriching transform into a new
structure of knowledge.
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