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Step 1. Record the elements in hypothesis part and goal part.
Step 2. Find the Sample Problem can be applied.
Step 3. Check goal G. If G is obtained then goto step 8.
Step 4. Using heuristic rules to select a rule for producing new facts or new objects.
Step 5. If selection in step 3 fails then search for any rule which can be used to deduce new
facts or new objects.
Step 6. If there is a rule found in step 3 or in step 4 then record the information about the
rule, new facts in Solution, and new situation (previous objects and facts together
with new facts and new objects), and goto step 2.
Step 7. Else {search for a rule fails} Conclusion: Solution not found, and stop.
Step 8. Reduce the solution found by excluding redundant rules and information in the
Algorithm 4.2 : To find sample problems.
Given problem P = (O, F, Goal) on on knowledge K of the form COKB-SP. The Sample
Problem can be applied on P has been found by the following procedure:
Step 1: H ← O  F
Step 2: SP ← Sample
Sample_found← false
Step 3: Repeat
Select S in SP
if facts of H can be applied in (S.Op and S.Fp) then
if kind of S.Goalp = kind of Goal then
Sample_found ← true
Else if S.Goalp  H then
Sample_found ← true
SP ← (SP - S)
Until SP = {} or Sample_found
Step 3: if Sample_found then
S is a sample problem of the problem;
There is no sample problem found;
This algorithm simulates a part of human mind when to find SP that relate to practical
problem. Thereby, the inference of system has been more quickly and effectively. Moreover,
the solution of problem is natural and precise.
5. Applications
The design method for IPS and IPSE presented in previous sections have been used to
produce many applycations such as program for studying and solving problems in Plane
Geometry, program for studying and solving problems in analytic geometry, program for
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