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The problem can be considered on the network of Com-objects (O, F) as follows:
O = {O 1 : triangle ABC with AB = AC, O 2 : triangle AEG, O 3 : square ABDE, O 4 : square
ACFG }, and F = {f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f 4 , f 5 } consists of the following relations
f 1 : O 1 .c = O 3 .a the edge c of triangle ABC = the edge of the square ABDE
f 2 : O 1 .b = O 4 .a the edge b of triangle ABC = the edge of the square ACFG
f 3 : O 2 .b = O 4 .a the edge b of triangle AEG = the edge of the square ACFG
f 4 : O 2 .c = O 3 .a the edge c of triangle AEG = the edge of the square ABDE
f 5 : O 1 .A + O 2 .A = .
Definition 3.8: Let (O, F) be a network of Com-objects, and M be a set of concerned
attributes. Suppose A is a subset of M.
For each f  F, denote f(A) is the union of the set A and the set consists of all attributes
in M deduced from A by f. Similarly, for each Com-object O i  O, O i (A) is the union of
the set A and the set consists of all attributes (in M) that the object O i can determine
from attributes in A.
Suppose D = [t 1 , t 2 , ..., t m ] is a list of elements in F  O. Denote A 0 = A, A 1 = t 1 (A 0 ), . . .,
A m = t m (A m-1 ), and D(A) = A m .
We have A 0  A 1  . . .  A m = D(A)  M. Problem HG is called solvable if there is a list
D  F  O such that D(A)  B. In this case, we say that D is a solution of the problem.
Technically the above theorems and algorithms can be developed to obtain the new ones for
solving the problem HG on network of Com-objects (O,F). They will be omitted here
except the algorithm to find a solution of the problem. The worthy of note is that the objects
may participate in solutions as computational relations.
Algorithm 3.3: Find a solution of the problem HG on a network of Com-objects.
Step 1: Solution  empty;
Step 2: if G  H then
begin Solution_found  true; goto step 5; end
Else Solution_found  false;
Step 3: Repeat
Hold  H;
Select f  F;
while not Solution_found and (f found) do begin
if (applying f from H produces new facts) then begin
H  H  M(f); Add f to Solution;
if G  H then Solution_found  true;
Select new f  F;
 while 
Until Solution_found or (H = Hold);
Step 4: if not Solution_found then begin
Select O i  O such that O i (H)  H;
if (the selection is successful) then begin
H  O i (H); Add O i to Solution;
if (G  H) then begin
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