Java Reference
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Design and code a Swing GUI for a two-player tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses)
game on a 3 by 3 game board. The JFrame should use a BorderLayout with a
JLabel in the NORTH region to display messages (e.g., who won the game),
and a JPanel in the CENTER region to display the game board. For the game
board in the JPanel , use a GridLayout manager with a 3 by 3 layout of JButton 's
in each cell to display the game board. The button labels should initially be
blank. When a player clicks on an empty button an appropriate “X” or “O”
should be placed in the label field of the button. If there is a winner (three in a
row) then the program should display the winner in the JLabel located at the
top of the window. If all nine cells have been filled without a winner the pro-
gram should indicate that there was a tie.
Design and code a Swing GUI calculator. You can use Display 17.19 as a start-
ing point, but your calculator will be more sophisticated. Your calculator will
have two text fields that the user cannot change: One labeled "Result" will con-
tain the result of performing the operation, and the other labeled "Operand" will
be for the user to enter a number to be added, subtracted, and so forth from the
result. The user enters the number for the "Operand" text field by clicking but-
tons labeled with the digits 0 through 9 and a decimal point, just as in a real
calculator. Allow the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division. Use a GridLayout manager to produce a button pad that looks similar
to the keyboard on a real calculator.
When the user clicks a button for an operation: the operation is performed, the
"Result" text field is updated, and the "Operand" text field is cleared. Include a
button labeled "Reset" that resets the "Result" to 0.0 . Also include a button
labeled "Clear" that resets the "Operand" text field so it is blank.
Hint: Define an exception class named DivisonByZeroException . Have your code
throw and catch a DivisonByZeroException if the user attempts to “divide by
zero.” Your code will catch the DivisonByZeroException and output a suitable
message to the "Operand" text field. The user may then enter a new substitute
number in the "Operand" text field. Since values of type double are, in effect,
approximate values, it makes no sense to test for equality with 0.0 . Consider an
operand to be “equal to zero” if it is in the range 1.0e 10 to +1.0e 10 .
(The Swing part of this project is pretty easy, but to do this programming project
you need to know how to convert numbers from one base to another.) Write a
program that converts integers from base ten (ordinary decimal) notation to base
two notation. Use Swing to perform input and output via a window interface. The
user enters a base ten numeral in one text field and clicks a button with "Convert"
written on it; the equivalent base two numeral then appears in another text field.
Be sure to label the two text fields. Include a "Clear" button that clears both text
fields when clicked. ( Hint: Include a private method that converts the string for a
base ten numeral to the string for the equivalent base two numeral.)
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