Java Reference
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It will not compile, but will give compiler error messages saying that, in effect,
the invocations of addActionListener such as
redButton.addActionListener( this );
have arguments of an incorrect type.
25. Clicking a JMenuItem fires an action event (that is, an object of the class Action-
Event ). This is the same as with a JButton .
26. JButton b = new JButton("Hello");
27. JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem (" Hello ");
28. To change the action command for a JMenuItem , you use the method set-
ActionCommand , just as you would for a JButton .
29. Yes, it is legal.
30. As many as you want. Only one can be added with the method setJMenuBar , but
any number of others can be added to using the add method.
31. setJMenuBar
32. JMenuItem aChoice = new JMenuItem("Exit");
33. m.add(mItem);
You could use the following instead of using setJMenuBar :
This will all take place inside a constructor named MenuGUI .
Register all three types of listeners with blueChoice , as follows:
blueChoice.addActionListener( new RedListener());
blueChoice.addActionListener( new WhiteListener());
blueChoice.addActionListener( new BlueListener());
Replace the three inner classes with the following inner class:
private class ColorListener implements ActionListener
private JPanel thePanel;
private Color theColor;
public ColorListener(Color c, JPanel p)
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