Java Reference
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Display 17.15 Some Methods in the Class AbstractButton (part 2 of 2)
public void setMaximumSize(Dimension maximumSize)
Sets the maximum size of the button or label. Note that this is only a suggestion to the layout man-
ager. The layout manager is not required to respect this maximum size. The following special case
will work for most simple situations. The int values give the width and height in pixels.
public void setMaximumSize(
new Dimension( int width, int height))
public void setMinimumSize(Dimension minimumSize)
Sets the minimum size of the button or label. Note that this is only a suggestion to the layout man-
ager. The layout manager is not required to respect this minimum size.
Although we do not discuss the Dimension class, the following special case is intuitively clear and
will work for most simple situations. The int values give the width and height in pixels.
public void setMinimumSize(
new Dimension( int width, int height))
The Dimension Class
Objects of the class Dimension are used with buttons, menu items, and other objects to
specify a size. The Dimension class is in the package java.awt . The parameters in the fol-
lowing constructor are pixels.
Dimension( int width, int height)
aButton.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(30, 50));
The setActionCommand Method
When the user clicks a button or menu item, that fires an action event that normally
goes to one or more action listeners where it becomes an argument to an action-
Performed method. This action event includes a String instance variable that is
known as the action command for the button or menu item and that is retrieved with
the accessor method getActionCommand . The action command in the event is copied
from an instance variable in the button or menu item object. If you do nothing to
change it, the action command is the string written on the button or the menu item.
The method setActionCommand given in Display 17.15 for the class AbstractButton
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