Java Reference
In-Depth Information
EXAMPLE: (continued)
As we noted in Chapter 7, this ensures that any initialization that is normally done for
all objects of type JFrame will in fact be done. If the base class constructor you call has
no arguments, then it will be called automatically, so we could have omitted the invo-
cation of super() in Display 17.4. However, if the base class constructor needs an
argument, as it may in some other situations, then you must include a call to the base
class constructor, super .
Note that almost all the initializing for the window FirstWindow in Display 17.4 is
placed in the constructor for the class. That is as it should be. The initialization, such
as setting the initial window size, should be part of the class definition and not actions
performed by objects of the class (as they were in Display 17.2). All the initializing
methods, such as setSize and setDefaultCloseOperation , are inherited from the
class JFrame . Because they are invoked in the constructor for the window, the window
itself is the calling object. In other words, a method invocation such as
is equivalent to
this .setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
Similarly, the method invocations
are equivalent to
this .setDefaultCloseOperation(
this .add(endButton);
In the class FirstWindow (Display 17.4) we added the title "First Window Class" to
the window as follows:
setTitle("First Window Class");
You can see where the title is displayed in a JFrame by looking at the picture of the
GUI given in Display 17.4.
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