Java Reference
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Display 17.2
A First Swing Demonstration Program (part 2 of 2)
Minimize (iconify)
Change window size to full
A pixel is the smallest unit of space on which your screen can write. With Swing, both the
size and the position of objects on the screen are measured in pixels. The more pixels you
have on a screen, the greater the screen resolution.
Resolution's Relationship to Object Size
The relationship between resolution and size can seem confusing at first. A high-resolution
screen is a screen of better quality than a low-resolution screen, so why does an object look
smaller on a high-resolution screen and larger on a low-resolution screen? Consider a very simple
case, namely a one-pixel “dot.” For a screen of fixed size, if there are very many pixels (high reso-
lution), then the one-pixel dot will be very small. If there are fewer pixels (low resolution) for the
same size screen, then each pixel must be larger since the smaller number of pixels cover the
same screen. So, if there are fewer pixels, the one-pixel dot will be larger. Similarly, a two-pixel
figure or a figure of any number of pixels will look larger on a low-resolution (fewer pixels) screen.
Display 17.3 Some Methods in the Class JFrame (part 1 of 2)
The class JFrame is in the javax.swing package.
public JFrame()
Constructor that creates an object of the class JFrame .
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