Java Reference
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Display 16.8 The Map Landscape
A single line between two boxes means
the lower class or interface is derived
from (extends) the higher one.
Abstract Class
K and V are type parameters for the type of
the keys and elements stored in the map.
Concrete Class
Display 16.9 Method Headings in the Map<K,V> Interface (part 1 of 3)
The Map<K,V> interface is in the java.util package.
Although not officially required by the interface, any class that implements the Map<K,V> interface
should have at least two constructors: a no-argument constructor that creates an empty Map<K,V>
object, and a constructor with one Map<K,V> parameter that creates a Map<K,V> object with the
same elements as the constructor argument. The interface does not specify whether the copy pro-
duced by the one-argument constructor is a shallow copy or a deep copy of its argument.
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