Java Reference
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the TreeSet<T> class in this text, but you should be aware of their existence so you know
what to look for in the Java documentation should you need them.
Display 16.7 Methods in the Classes ArrayList<T> and Vector<T> (part 1 of 4)
The ArrayList<T> and Vector<T> classes and the Iterator<T> and ListIterator<T> inter-
faces are in the java.util package.
All the exception classes mentioned are unchecked exceptions, which means they are not
required to be caught in a catch block or declared in a throws clause. (If you have not yet studied
exceptions, you can consider the exceptions to be run-time error messages.)
NoSuchElementException is in the java.util package, which requires an import statement if
your code mentions the NoSuchElementException class. All the other exception classes men-
tioned are in the package java.lang and so do not require any import statement.
public ArrayList( int initialCapacity)
Creates an empty ArrayList<T> with the specified initial capacity. When the ArrayList<T>
needs to increase its capacity, the capacity doubles.
public ArrayList( )
Creates an empty ArrayList<T> with an initial capacity of 10 . When the ArrayList<T> needs
to increase its capacity, the capacity doubles.
public ArrayList(Collection<? extends T> c)
Creates a ArrayList<T> that contains all the elements of the collection c , in the same order. In
other words, the elements have the same index in the ArrayList<T> created as they do in c .
This is not quite a true copy constructor because it does not preserve capacity. The capacity of
the created list will be c.size( ) , not c.capacity .
The ArrayList<T> created is only a shallow copy of the collection argument. The ArrayList<T>
created contains references to the elements in c (not references to clones of the elements in c ).
public Vector( int initialCapacity)
Creates an empty vector with the specified initial capacity. When the vector needs to increase its
capacity, the capacity doubles.
public Vector( )
Creates an empty vector with an initial capacity of 10. When the vector needs to increase its
capacity, the capacity doubles.
public Vector(Collection<? extends T> c)
Creates a vector that contains all the elements of the collection c , in the same order. In other
words, the elements have the same index in the vector created as they do in c . This is not quite a
true copy constructor because it does not preserve capacity. The capacity of the created vector
will be c.size( ) , not c.capacity .
The vector created is only a shallow copy of the collection argument. The vector created contains
references to the elements in c (not references to clones of the elements in c ).
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