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Display 16.2 Method Headings in the Collection<T> Interface (part 3 of 3)
The following methods are optional, which means they still must be implemented, but the imple-
mentation can simply throw an UnsupportedOperationException if, for some reason, you do
not want to give them a “real” implementation. An UnsupportedOperationException is a
RunTimeException and so is not required to be caught or declared in a throws clause.
public boolean add(T element) (Optional)
Ensures that the calling object contains the specified element . Returns true if the calling object
changed as a result of the call. Returns false if the calling object does not permit duplicates and already
contains element ; also returns false if the calling object does not change for any other reason.
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> collectionToAdd) (Optional)
Ensures that the calling object contains all the elements in collectionToAdd . Returns true if
the calling object changed as a result of the call; returns false otherwise.
public boolean remove(Object element) (Optional)
Removes a single instance of the element from the calling object, if it is present. Returns true if
the calling object contained the element; returns false otherwise.
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collectionToRemove) (Optional)
Removes all the calling object's elements that are also contained in collectionToRemove .
Returns true if the calling object was changed; otherwise returns false .
public void clear( ) (Optional)
Removes all the elements from the calling object.
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> saveElements) (Optional)
Retains only the elements in the calling object that are also contained in the collection saveElements .
In other words, removes from the calling object all of its elements that are not contained in the collec-
tion saveElements . Returns true if the calling object was changed; otherwise returns false .
All the collection classes and interfaces discussed in this chapter are in the java . util package.
The relationships between some of the classes and interfaces that implement or
extend the Collection<T> interface are given in Display 16.1. There are two main
interfaces that extend the Collection<T> interface: the Set < T> interface and the
List < T > interface. Classes that implement the Set<T> interface do not allow an element
Set<T> List
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